Pastor's Note
A word from Reverend, Mark Buenafe, Senior Pastor

It is amazing how life changes include both some re-focusing from the past while refreshing hopes and vision for the future.

This is what happened at this year's Annual Conference in Sacramento: Usually, I sit in the back of the meeting areas where the sessions are gathered. As I am in the front so often in places where I have primary leading roles, it is good to be in the back as a listener. It is also a good place to see people I haven't encountered for a while, even since the last Annual Conference.

Among the hidden blessings of the Conference are the opportunities in reconnecting, not only with the reunions, but also the blessing of worship in hearing other preachers. We were blessed to have Bishop Gregory V. Palmer from the West Ohio Conference minister to us.

It was interesting for him to address a group of mostly clergy and laity leaders as he preached about being 'followers,' as in following Jesus.

This message was another insight to add to my mental list of ironies in our relationship with God. Just as much as we are called to be leaders in God's Church, the way to make that effectively happen is how close we are 'following' God through Christ Jesus.

As I begin my 5th year with you as pastor, I look forward to be a better leader as I invite you to be with me in following Jesus.

And yes, there is always more that could be done. With God working in our lives both as the Church and in our relationship with Him and one another, there will be the opportunity and blessing to make the Mariposa United Methodist Church even better than it already is.

We can do this courageously and confidently because God is always with us.

Let us fervently pray for God's leading in both what to do and who to be as God's church.

Rejoice, be grateful, continue to give kindness, share God's Love and Hope. We go the distance with God always with us.

By God's grace,
Pastor Mark

Now to God who is able to do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine according to His power at work in us. the glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus through-out all generations forever and ever. AMEN... Eph 3:20-21

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