As part of weekly worship planning, a constant is preparing an Order of Worship. This is what I also refer to as a 'script' detailing the litany and music in each worship experience. It is a standard document for all types and seasons of worship. Besides Sunday morning, this includes Special seasonal worship during Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter, Weddings, Baptisms, Dedications and Funerals/ Celebrations of Life.
Besides myself, all key behind-the scenes worship participants get this order of worship. All our musicians and the scheduled liturgist get this earlier in the week before Sunday. This forms the basis for populating updated information in the bulletin and the Keynote.
At the start of the year, I always saved the document by filing it as the In-Person Order of Worship. This was to differentiate the YouTube Order of Worship which was used during the social restrictions of the pandemic.
Recently, I have just filed the document as Order of Worship with the date and sometimes the theme. This subtle change, along with the return of the paper bulletin highlights the blessing of in-person gathering.
Beyond worship, we will experience this in-person experience in other gatherings during Thanksgiving, and Christmas, whatever day(s) works out in being with families and friends.
I also call this a ministry of Presence. This reflects with the ministry of God's presence that is with you and me always.
My best wishes and blessings to you during the many holiday celebrations we will encounter as we come to these closing months of 2024.
Thank you always for your undergirding persevering prayer-full support.
We can do this courageously and confidently because God is always with us.
Let us fervently pray for God's leading in both what to do and who to be as God's Church.
Rejoice, be grate-full, continue to give kindness, share God's Love and Hope.
We go the distance with God always with us.
~ By God's grace, Pastor Mark
Marick's Celebration of Life is Saturday, January 18, 2025, 11:00 am at the Asbury United Methodist Church, 4743 East Avenue, Livermore, CA 94550. It would be helpful to contact the
church office of your plans to attend.