When I develop a title for the Pastor's Column in the various church newsletters I contribute to, it is tied in with the area I am ministering. In the case of "Mark Your Distance," this is in reference to the vastness and beauty of the foothills and the blessing of walking trails and traveling through the beautiful areas surrounding us, Yosemite National Park included.
"Mark Your Distance" now takes another meaning looking at time with its schedules and deadlines. A life-changing deadline is the announcement of my being appointed to the Oakdale and Escalon UM Churches beginning July 1. For those surprised (even saddened) by the news, I have reassured many people (and myself), that I still have a few more months being with you. Yet, as we know, and are reminded, time goes on, and what was a date looked way ahead in advance, suddenly comes upon us.
It is truly a blessing to be informed early of this move. Part of the reason is because the two pastors of the church announced their (re)retirement early enough to present a definite opening to the bishop and the cabinet. Historically, I have gotten the announcement of the church move as late as April, even May. Consequently, this also implies that DS Mary is working hard to network and find your new pastor. Besides the pool of eligible clergy in the California-Nevada Conference, Mariposa UM Church is unique because you already experienced pastoral ministry from Pastor Allison who was from Texas.
So, for now, ministry does and will continue. This means being blessed of enjoying the clock-work routine of Sunday worship experiences and the regularly scheduled functions and meetings of the church while also being creative of improving what is while trying/reviving new things. Included with this for me are the intentional expressions of gratitude for the times and ministry together; savoring them with you as we make more Kairos moments.
We can do this courageously and confidently because God is always with us. Let us fervently pray for God's leading in both what to do and who to be as God's Church. Rejoice, be grate-full, continue to give kindness, share God's Love and Hope. We go the distance with God always with us.
By God's grace,
Pastor Mark