Pastor's Note
A word from Reverend, Mark Buenafe, Senior Pastor
The 27th day of the month.
There is no personal birthday or anniversary on that date, except marking June 27th, 2024, the day of Marick's passing. For now, as it comes around every month, it serves as a time to reflect, to cherish and to mourn.
Many times throughout many years of ministry with the many congregations and ministries I have served, there has always been the intentional reminder, to others and to myself, to savor the moments we have. I refer to this as Kairos, the breath-less times of wonder at the present. Our weekly newsletter is named Kairos with this in mind. This has been especially reinforced with the transitions faced with so much swifter regularity in life. I refer to those who have moved, shifts in ways of doing things and health changes.
This reminds me of life being so short. I have even been drawn to review and pray the confession when we do Communion: we/I have sinned against You by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved You with our whole heart and mind and strength. We have not fully loved our neighbors as ourselves. We have not always had in us the mind of Christ. You alone know how often we have grieved You by wasting Your gifts, by wandering from Your ways.
Then the reminders of living in God's abundant grace that is both a provoking redirecting while being a tender comfort to truly recognize and cherish and savor the Kairos.
Enjoin with me as we come to the more busier times during these ‘ber' and last months of the year to both plan well yet pause to rediscover the ‘why,' then serve and celebrate heartily.
We can do this courageously and confidently because God is always with us.
Let us fervently pray for God's leading in both what to do and who to be as God's Church.
Rejoice, be grate-full, continue to give kindness, share God's Love and Hope.
We go the distance with God always with us.
By God's grace,
Pastor Mark