Communion Offerings for March will go to Mountain Crisis Services.
Communion Offering Report
The January Communion Offering for Manna House raised $30.
Worship Committee Meeting
Sunday, March 9 (after worship). After getting refreshments, meet in the Joe Kidd Hall.
March Madness Breakfast
We had such fun gathering after church for our Flannel's and Flapjack's Breakfast, and we're
excited about continuing the good times with a
March Madness Breakfast on Sunday, March 16th.
Mariposa Street Multi-Household Yard/Buenafe Moving Sale
Friday, March 28 and Saturday, March 29 from 8:00 am-2:30. What was planned to be another neighborhood yard sale on the street of the Parsonage is also becoming a moving sale. Mariposa Street is located at the upper edge of 6th Street, a natural turn into this roadway. Besides the growing inventory, Norms has extended the invitation to anyone who would like to get rid of 'stuff' in the yard sale at 5019 Mariposa Street.
GriefShare Support Group
The Upper Room
The Upper Room daily devotions are also available online at
Pioneer Market Receipts
Please remember to save your receipts; these benefit our Youth Programs. You may drop them in the church drop box facing Bullion Street, or mail them with your offering. If you total your receipts, please only total the sub-total amounts (pre-tax).
Women in Faith
Women in Faith (formally known as UMW). Visit our UWIF web page.
The Upper Room
The Upper Room daily devotions are also available online at